Dancing Sands Spring

Dancing Sands spring. Photo Copyrighted by Stephen B. Glass

Located just a few steps down (southwest) the boardwalk from the Council Springs, the Dancing Sands Spring is perhaps the favorite spring of neighborhood residents. Aptly named for the continuous “boiling” waters and upwelling sand, the Dancing Sands (also known as Ho-Nee-Um Spring) can fascinate watchers for hours.

The famous "Dancing Sands". Photo Copyrighted by Stephen B. Glass.

Average spring flow on a annual basis is about 48 gallons per minutes with a low of 13 gallons and a recorded high of 90 gallons/minute.

The banks of the spring, and tender vegetation growing on them,  are vulnerable to trampling from human foot traffic caused by viewers who want to get a closer look at the bubbling waters.

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